Project Description


MAX GPS je sistem za satelitsko praćenje vozila i osoba. Koristi se za kontrolu, zaštitu i upravljanje voznim parkovima. GPS  sistem omogućava 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u nedelji kontinualni nadzor vozila i osoba u zemlji i inostranstvu.


MAX GPS is  system for satellite tracking of vehicles and people. It is used for control, protection and management of vehicle fleets.  system enables 24 hours a day, 7 days a week continuous monitoring  of vehicles and people in the country and abroad.  The GPS system uses the latest technology in the field of satellite surveillance. In addition to locating, monitoring and managing vehicles in real time, the system enables archiving of data for the purpose of their subsequent search and use in the form of various reports.

Data from the device is transmitted via the operator's GSM network to a central server where a daily report is subsequently created based on them, and at the end of the month a summary monthly report. These reports can be automatically sent to the client's email address on a daily or monthly basis. Via the Internet, the client can determine the current position of their vehicles, as well as review all trips on a given day. Based on our extensive experience, this system not only reduces costs but also positively impacts company performance. Optimize Operational Costs: Reduced fuel usage and maintenance expenses.Improve Employee Accountability: Knowing that vehicle usage is being monitored influences more responsible behavior.